The vision:

We want to build a community kitchen here. A community kitchen is a bit of a take off of what used to be known as a soup kitchen. It's purpose is to feed the homeless and financially needy in the local community. It would be a safe place with a warm meal--a place where members of the local community who are struggling financially or suffering emotionally, those who are lonesome and who just need a safe welcoming place to be in friendly contact with other humans could come to find a bit of relief. Our world is a mess right now. The economy is suffering and real people are struggling financially. There is also a major need in our society for a safe place where people who are lonesome or hurting emotionally or spiritually can go for healing. There are many elderly people without family living locally. There are many who are isolated because they work from home. There are families that could use a meal or two a week to help relieve some of the financial pressure. We want St. Basil's Community Kitchen and Food pantry to be a place where wounded souls can find healing and rest.